
Install software tools to serve a web site locally and also to deploy the web site to a public web server.

Command Prompt

Open a command prompt on Windows. The easiest way to do this is in Windows 7 to type 'cmd' in the Search Box on the Windows start menu:

When you type it, the start menu might change to the following:

...and if you press return, then the command window itself will appear:

On Windows 8 and 10, access the desktop from the home screen, and run File Explorer (may be in the toolbar). Then select File->Open Command Prompt:

Command Line

This is an alternative interface to Windows which it is important to become familiar with. In this window you can type what are sometimes called 'DOS' commands. These commands let you have a finer level of control of your PC, and are particularly important for programmers to master.

Here are some simple commands:

It is essential that you become adept at these commands, and a few others.

Bear in mind that these commands always have a 'current directory' in mind (a directory is another name for a folder). Try them now and see if you can 'navigate' to your web development workspace. For instance, if the folder is located as shown here:

Then the commands to get there will look like this:

If your workspace is located on another drive, the enter that drive letter first - say "G:", press return, and then try the cd and dir commands.

Note in all of the above that the 'prompt' in the command window is always showing the 'current' drive/directory.

Also, if you have a 'space' in your directory (a bad idea generally), then you will have to use quotation marks in the commands. Here is an example:

See in the above transcript that the directory name is "Web Development Workspace" - and it has been enclosed in double quotes.

In general, however, it is best to adopt the following conventions.

Perhaps you might take this opportunity to adjust your workspace and projects to adopt the above conventions. If you do, then you will find that using DOS commands to navigate your folders will be considerably easier.

Before going on to the next step, make sure you are comfortable navigating in DOS around the file system, and in particular make sure you can navigate to your web development workspace.

Serving the site with Harp.js

To date you have been opening the web pages you have designed by locating them on your PC and opening the browser directly. This is adequate for simple pages, but does not accurately reproduce how the page/site will be browsed when it is deployed on the public Internet.

To reproduce this experience, we will need to install a web server on our workstations, start this server and have it make our site available in a simulated network. Some server tools can also help simplify the work flow of deploying our site to a public server so that it is accessible globally. We will attempt both in this lab.

Download this archive here

Unzip the archive to the root of C: drive. This may take a few minutes. The archive is not large, but contains many small files...

Make double sure the folder is in the root of C: drive - open a Command Prompt (see last step) and set G: to be your default drive, and list all directories:

C:\Users\yourid> cd \
C:\> dir
Directory of C:\
11/02/2015   10:00 AM <DIR>    node  

Then type the following command:

C:\> \node\init

It may respond with a scree full of information, which you can ignore.

Now type the following (first line only):

C:\> harp init demo
Downloading boilerplate: https://github.com/harp-boilerplates/default
Initialized project at c:\demo

Then enter (first line only again):

C:\> cd demo
C:\demo> harp server
Harp v0.19.0 – Chloi Inc. 2012–2015
Your server is listening at http://localhost:9000/
Press Ctl+C to stop the server

Now browse to this url here:

and you should see this page:

To stop 'serving' the page, enter Ctrl-C in the command prompt:

Harp v0.19.0 – Chloi Inc. 2012–2015
C:\demo> harp serverYour server is listening at http://localhost:9000/
Press Ctl+C to stop the server
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

Deploying a Web Site using Surge

Create a new project com the command line by entering the following:

harp init iot-web

Remember, make sure to keep an eye on which folder this command is executed from. Opening the folder should reveal these files:

We will use files like these later - but for the moment delete all of these files and replace them with the following file called harp.json:




If you havent already downloaded it - get the last version of the IoT web site from the last lab:

Unzip the project, and copy the public folder into the iot-web folder you have just created. Your iot-web folder should look like this:

Now we will serve the web site locally with this command:

C:> cd iot-web
C:\iot-web> harp server
Your server is listening at http://localhost:9000/
Press Ctl+C to stop the server

Notice that the command is executed form within the iot-web directory.

Verify that the site is available here:

Terminate the server again with ^C:

Your server is listening at http://localhost:9000/
Press Ctl+C to stop the server
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

From still within the iot-folder, enter the following command:

C:\iot-web> surge
    Welcome to Surge!
    Please login or create an account by entering your email and password:

Enter credential to create a new account now - be sure to remember the password. Surge will then deploy the site to a public server:

  project path: C:\dev\iot-web\
               size: 34 files, 2.3 MB
             domain: dull-pet.surge.sh
             upload: [====================] 100%, eta: 0.0s
   propagate on CDN: [====================] 100%
               plan: Free
              users: youremail@domain.com
         IP address:

    Success! Project is published and running at dull-pet.surge.sh

The domain can be customised -in the above example 'dull-pet' was generated, you can replace this with something more suitable (but unique, so perhaps include your initials, the current date or something that may not be used by someone else).

Open a browser to inspect the running site. This is now deployed and accessible globally!

Removing Web Sites from Surge

If you have published a number of sites you may want to recall what domains were generated, or perhaps remove some or all of the published pages.

The various commands are listed here:

To list all web sites:

C:\dev\iot-web>surge list
              email: youremail@domain.com
              token: *****************



To remove (delete) a site from the server use the teardown command:

C:\dev\iot-web>surge teardown highfalutin-exchange.surge.sh
              email: youremail@domain.com
              token: *****************
             domain: highfalutin-exchange.surge.sh

    Success - highfalutin-exchange.surge.sh has been removed.


Using Templates in Harp.js

Create a new project on the root of the C drive called iot-web-ejs:

C:\> harp init iot-web-ejs
Downloading boilerplate: https://github.com/harp-boilerplates/default
Initialized project at c:\iot-web-ejs

Here is another version of the IOT web site:

Download this somewhere, and copy the files in the archive into the iot-web-ejs project you have just created above. The folder should be structured something like this:

├── harp.json
└── public
    ├── assets
    │   └── images
    │      ...
    ├── includes
    │   ├── _curriculum.ejs
    │   ├── _footer.ejs
    │   ├── _header.ejs
    │   ├── _sponsors.ejs
    │   └── _summary.ejs
    ├── index.ejs
    ├── strands
    │   ├── _layout.ejs
    │   ├── data.ejs
    │   ├── devices.ejs
    │   ├── maths.ejs
    │   ├── networks.ejs
    │   ├── programming.ejs
    │   └── project.ejs
    └── style.css

This is quite different from the site we examined in Step 04. This version is based on EJS templates

.. and we have been using the Harp.hs templating engine to get it running:

Server the web site now:

C:\> cd iot-web-ejs
C:\iot-web-ejs> harp server
Harp v0.19.0 – Chloi Inc. 2012–2015
Your server is listening at http://localhost:9000/
Press Ctl+C to stop the server

Also, deploy the web site:

C:\iot-web-ejs> surge
    Welcome to Surge!
    Please login or create an account by entering your email and password:
  project path: C:\dev\iot-web\
               size: 34 files, 2.3 MB
             domain: dull-pet.surge.sh
             upload: [====================] 100%, eta: 0.0s
   propagate on CDN: [====================] 100%
               plan: Free
              users: youremail@domain.com
         IP address:

    Success! Project is published and running at dull-pet.surge.sh


Exercise 1

See if you can deploy your assignment 1 project using surge. Here are the steps:


harp server
  project path: G:\dev\iot-web\
               size: 34 files, 2.3 MB
             domain: XXX.surge.sh
             upload: [====================] 100%, eta: 0.0s
   propagate on CDN: [====================] 100%
               plan: Free
              users: youremail@domain.com
         IP address:

    Success! Project is published and running at XXX.surge.sh
  <a href="../stuff/mupage.html"> my stuff </a>

Exercise 2:

Study the iot-web-ejs site carefully:

  <a href="../../stuff/mupage.html"> my stuff </a>

These type of references can all be replaced with:

  <a href="/stuff/mypage.html"> my stuff </a>
  <a href="/stuff/mypage.html"> my stuff </a>

Exercise 2

Examine the project you created in step 6 again:

├── harp.json
└── public
    ├── assets
    │   └── images
    │      ...
    ├── includes
    │   ├── _curriculum.ejs
    │   ├── _footer.ejs
    │   ├── _header.ejs
    │   ├── _sponsors.ejs
    │   └── _summary.ejs
    ├── index.ejs
    ├── strands
    │   ├── _layout.ejs
    │   ├── data.ejs
    │   ├── devices.ejs
    │   ├── maths.ejs
    │   ├── networks.ejs
    │   ├── programming.ejs
    │   └── project.ejs
    └── style.css

This is the same site we deployed earlier - but divided into templates using EJS:

This systems is documented better here:

See if you can adapt your assignment 1 project to use EJS templates. This may reduce the amount of HTML you have in the project, and also allow you to have set of smaller files to maintain - but perhaps more of them.