
Deploy the Spacebook app to Heroku. This will require a heroku account + a locally installed git tool set.

Git Bash

Download and install Git for Windows.

This will be used in this lab. We shall refer to as Git Bash.

Figure 1: Installation Wizard Git Bash

All the following commands should be run within the Git Bash terminal, not the standard windows terminal (Command Prompt).

SSH Keys

This section applies only if you do not have SSH keys on your computer. We shall explain shortly how you can check whether or not keys are present.

Official Heroku documentation on managing SSH keys is available here

Your computer will communicate with Heroku using Secure Shell (SSH).

Here are brief instructions on how to check for the presence of SSH keys on your computer and to generate them if necessary.

Git Bash should have an SSH client. Verify this with the following command:

ssh -v

The response should be similar to this:

Figure 2: Verify presence of SSH client

Check if you already have SSH keys by checking for the presence of the.ssh folder and if it exists, listing its contents:

ls -l ~/.ssh

If keys are present then the response should be something simiar to that shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3: SSH Keys

If keys are not present then generate a set with this command:


Accept the default prompts and in particular when prompted for a password and to confirm the password simply hit the return key on both occasions but without typing any characters for the password.

Confirm that keys have been successfully generated by checking the contents of the .ssh folder which should be similar that shown in Figure 3 above.

Local Repository

You recall that we may be using a 'bootstrap.java' class to load the models. This may cause some difficulty with our deployment, so we will remove it from the project for the moment. You can do this from within Eclipse by commenting out the database initialization code:

import java.util.List;

import play.*;
import play.jobs.*;
import play.test.*;

import models.*;

public class Bootstrap extends Job 
  public void doJob()
    if (User.count() == 0)
      // Fixtures.deleteDatabase();
      // Fixtures.loadModels("data.yml");

Now, in the spacebook project, create a file called '.gitignore'. This is a special file containing a series of patterns for project files we do NOT want uploaded to heroku.

Here are its contents:

# Ignore all dotfiles...
# except for .gitignore

# Ignore Play! working directory #

Still in the same project folder, create and a file named ProcFile containing the following:

web: play run --http.port=$PORT $PLAY_OPTS

Next, we need to make one significant change to the app. Open the 'Users' model and adjust the the class as follows:

@Table(name="`User`") //This is necessary because User is a reserved word in PostGreSQL
public class User extends Model

'User' is a reserved table name in the database, so we have altered the name slightly to avoid a conflict.

In Git Bash terminal cd into the folder containing your spacebook project, and create a git repository for the project:

git init

Add all files (except those matched by .gitignore) to the repo and commit them using these commands:

git add --all
git commit -m "first commit"

Verify that everything is ok by running this command

git status

The response should as follow:

We have now established a local git repository containing only those files required to run the application. Our next step is to push this repository to the heroku service.

Heroku repository

Create an account on Heroku. Note carefully your login and password.

Download and install Heroku Toolbelt for Windows. Close and reopen Git Bash following installation of the Toolbelt.

Once installed, verify that the installation ok by typing

heroku --version

The response should be something like:

heroku/toolbelt/3.12.1 (i386-mingw32) ruby/1.9.3

(The versions numbers my be different)

Login in to your heroku account from Git Bash

heroku login

You will be prompted for you email and password. Successful authentication will be confirmed.

Next create a new blank app and repository on Heroku as follows:

heroku create

NB: The above command MUST BE ENTERED from within the project folder

The response will be something like this:

Figure 1: Heroku: app and repository created

Notice the default name assigned by Heroku to the remote app.

Verify with the command

git remote -v

and observe a response similar to that in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Checking remote repo on Heroku

Now add your SSH keys to Heroku:

heroku keys:add

Figure 3: Heroku: Adding SSH Keys

Finally, push the local repo to Heroku:

git push heroku master

This may take some time The response should be somewhat similar to that shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Successful deployment

We shall now test the service: In the specific case of this lab we have been randomly assigned a remote Heroku repo named guarded-reef-267.git. The convention for construction a URI to access this repo or service can easily be deduced by studying the URI for this specific service:


The portions /api/users is determined by how we, the developers, wrote the application (spacebook). Notice where the actual name of the repo is located in the URI:

- guarded-reef-2677

Copy this URI into a browser's navigation bar: unfortunately an application error is flagged. The reason for this is that we have not set up a suitable database on Heroku. We shall attend to this shortly.

Changing name of Heroku app

We shall now change the Heroku-assigned name guarded-reef-2677 to a more meaningful name org-wit-spacebook-service-id where id is your email address excluding @, periods, underscores and so on. For example john_doe@organs.com becomes johndoeorganscom. This is just a suggestion to ensure that the name you choose for the app on Heroku will be unique.

Run the following command within the Heroku terminal:

heroku apps:rename org-wit-spacebook-service-id

A typical response is shown in Figure 5:

Figure 5: Changing name of Heroku app from command line

Heroku Database

You created a Heroku app in an earlier step (using the command heroku create)

heroku pg:info

A typical response is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Database information


Log in to Heroku website for more detailed information such as is shown here in Figure 2 for the current project.

Figure 2: App and associated database details on Heroku site

In order to make use of this database do the following:

# db.default=mem

Add the following block to the end of the file.

#================heroku databse config config=========================
#================end database config heroku config====================
git add --all
git commit -m "database configured"
git push heroku master

The response should be similar to that shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Application + configured database pushed to remote heroku repo

Test App

You can test that the application is working correctly in a number of ways, listed here:

heroku ps

Figure 4: Successful deployment

Next run the command to open a browser: Figure 5 shows the command and additionally the response to the command and the output in the browser if the app is running correctly.

heroku open

This should open your web browser and display the application directly on the heroku platform.

Further Modifications

Every time you wish to run the application locally for test purposes, you will need to comment out the new database entry:

#================heroku databse config config=========================
#================end database config heroku config====================

... and bring back in the in memory database:


You may also wish to bring back in the bootstrap load of the models:

import java.util.List;

import play.*;
import play.jobs.*;
import play.test.*;

import models.*;

public class Bootstrap extends Job 
  public void doJob()
    if (User.count() == 0)

The above modifications will have to be reversed if you wish to deploy the app again.

Deploy Commands:

In order to successfully deploy, the app must be 'commited' to github, and then pushed. These are the commands for a regular deploy (assuming the app has been deployed successfully at least once already):

git add --all
git push heroku master

The comment above would be a short statement about the changes you have introduced. You will learn more about git commits in future labs.


Exercise 1: Experiment with Deploy

Deploy the app once and use it. Make a superficial but noticeable change to the UI, and deploy it again. Make sure the changes you made are present in the deployed app.

Exercise 2 Experiment with Logs

After deploying the app, open a new shell in the same folder as the app, and enter the following command:

heroku logs --tail

This will display the logs from the app, including any log statements you may have left in the application. See if you can these messages appear as you use the app.

Further log documentation here:

Explore this documentation, and see if there are other useful options.

Exercise 3: Heroku UI

Log into heroku and explore the various panels and dashboards. See if you can identify the database your app is using. See if you can delete your deployed app using the web ui.

Exercise 4: More deployments

Can you deploy two versions of your app to Heroku - both running concurrently?