
Review Forms

Another look at the forms concept. Forms are the central mechanism for acquiring information from a user - enabling simple strings and numbers to be entered into a page and 'submitted' to an application.

Models & Databases

A database is where we store information between requests. The model classes we introduce are saved here and we can subsequently query and update any objects we insert.


Keeping track of the currently logged in user is a challenge - as HTTP is, by definition 'stateless'. Hidden form fields, url rewriting and cookies are three common techniques for implementing sessions.

Sessions in Play

In Play we have a simple and convenient session mechanism, which can conveniently remember information about the currently logged in user.


Introduce a 'Session' object to keep track of the currently logged in user. Use this Session object to be able to display the name of the logged in user on each page. Explore how this session can be used to further customise other aspects of the views