Agile Software Development


The objective of this lab is to install and configure your development workstation and to bring into focus some of the terms and concepts covered in the opening lecture.


Evolve the application developed in lab01 into a simple command line app. Incorporate commands for creating, deleting and listing users. Explore List, ArrayList, Map, HashMap in this context and introduce the guava and cliche libraries.


Extend the pacemaker application to include Activity and Location classes + associated commands. Once these are in place, incorporate a serialization mechanism to enable users & activities to be persisted to a file. We will then try to generalize this mechanism, which will enable us to experiment with alternative serialization formats.


Equip Pacemaker with JUint libraries and then introduce a range of tests to verify essential features. Correct issues that arise as a result of the tests, becoming familiar with the fail/pass/refactor/pass cycle. Review the outstanding command set of the application.

  • Create a new project to host a version of pacemaker implemented in Xtend
  • Build the project + its unit tests
  • Explore the generated Java sources

Install and configure maven and then create and and test a single module maven project with several external dependencies. Once this is working, incorporate into Eclipse.


Build pacemaker-1.0 from source using maven. Reverse engineer to UML and Structure 101. Uses these modeling tools on your own assignment


Create a new version of pacemaker using the play framework and deploy this to a cloud provided. Perform some simple tests on the local and hosted version


Explore Database evolutions in Play. Build a test project, that communicates with the play service over http. Write some initial tests to verify the User class features


Incorporate Activity class into the placemaker service. Extend pacemakerplaytest to exercise the new feature. Using this as a role model, in the exercises introduce Location into the service


Introduce elements of a web UI onto the pacemaker. Rework (in the final archive) the ui into a simple app