8: JPA & Maps

JPA I - OneToMany, ManyToOne

The simplest relationship to model in JPA in OneToMany, and an associated ManyToOne in the reverse directions. Here we explore this via a simple example, including an examination of the generated database tables.

JPA II - ManyToMany

ManyToMany relationships need to be carefully created and removed. They generated an extra database table. Removal is particularly tricky, and must be done in an orderly manner.


The models developed in JPA I and II can be usefully explored either in the database admin interface, or via a simple bolt-on UI. Here we explore both.

Android Map

Build new project to explore JPA relationships in more depth. in particular, define a model with OneToMany, MnyToOne and ManyToMany relations - and test each of the relationships via unit tests in order to ensure they are correctly implemented.


Explore the model developed in the last lab a little further by attaching a Semantic UI. Experiment with UI elements that change the model.


Make use of the device camera to take a photo go display as thumbnail a single-photo gallery. Also, support saving the photo