Test Driven Development III

Writing Tests

A review of the basic structure of JUnit based tests, elaborating on the primary assert calls and annotations.


Guidelines for Composing Tests phrased using the acronym: - Right, Boundary, Inverse, Cross-check, Errors & Performance.


More guidelines - this time the acronym is Conformance, Ordering, Range, Reference, Existing, Cardinality, Time.

Database Evolutions

If you are using the Play Framework - and any Relational Database - then database evolution will be a central concern and a key source of misconfiguration errors.

Testing Pacemaker 2.0

Pacemaker 2.0 is a REST service, which we can test using REST clients.


Explore Database evolutions in Play. Build a test project, that communicates with the play service over http. Write some initial tests to verify the User class features