Xtend Android
- Explore the structure of an Android Application written in Xtend, paying particular attention to:
- general reduction in boilerplate code
- liberal use of lambdas and other convenience features
- Use this application to review sync issues and now they can be managed using:
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- The illustrative application is based on
twitter client, derived from:
- The twitter-like service is available here:
Supplementary Material:
- Some additional patterns worth reviewing (slides attached)
- Mediator
- Composite
- Bridge
- Develop an application in Android using the Xtend language
- Base the application on a twitter-like service hosted here:
- The structure of the application is derived from Learning Android
- Introduce Services into the Xtend YambaX application
- Implement a background service to periodically update the twitter timeline
- Incorporate Broadcast Event Senders/Receivers into the application
- Use BootReciever to recieve boot event to start application service on launch
- Use NetworkReveicer to stop/start service when network is starting/stopping
- Use Broadcast Events for status updates from background service to TimelineActivity