Triangles & Models

  • Understand the TRIANGLES primitive
  • Understand the meaning of “Winding” and distinguish between clockwise and counterclockwise winding
  • Be able to use the glFrontFace amd glPolyGoneMode functions in this context
  • Have used TRIANGLE_FAN and TRIANGLE_STRIP primitives
  • Review the need for a model, and evolve a number of approaches: - Model 1: Define a simple data structure for loading a model - Model 2: Employ STL - Model 3: Encapsulate the data structure within a set of classes, allocating behaviors appropriately - Model 4: Make file formal extensible


  • Experiment with TRIANGLE primitives
  • Explore the implications of winding, and in particular the glFrontFace and glPplygonMode
  • Review a solution to the model load problem in the last lab
  • Recode this solution using more modern data structures

00: Objectives

  • Review the need for a model
  • Review C++ stream input classes
  • Evolve a model format in over a number of iterations:
    • Model 1: Define a simple data structure for loading a model
    • Model 2: Employ STL
    • Model 3: Encapsulate the data structure within a set of classes, allocating behaviors appropriately
    • Model 4: Make file formal extensible