Rendering, Rotating, Culling & Shading
- Have constructed a solid 3D object
- Understand the Depth Testing model in OpenGL, the use of the Depth Buffer and how to enable and disable it
- Have used Culling, have used it and understand its relationship to winding in OpenGL
- Be able to use glutSpecialFuction() and glutPostRedisplay()
- Be able to draw a 3 Dimensional Object
- Be able to Rotate this object and view it from different angles
- Understand the difference between glPolygonMode G_FILL and GL_LINE
- Have seen a simple shading model
- Render a 3D object
- Implement specialKeys function to intercept the arrow keys
- Rotate the object using these keys
- Explored two shading models
- Introduce the Depth buffer and observe its effects
- Introduce Culling and explore its relationship to Winding.