Perspectives & Models

  • Review the first assignment
  • Specify assignment 2
  • Understand the Perspective Projection, and be able to compare it to the Orthographic projections
  • Understand frustum, field of view angle, aspect ratio and near and far clipping planes in this context.
  • Review again simple animations using rotate and translate
  • Review a simple method of moving a camera around a scene


  • Explore the rendering of quads, quadstrips and polygons.
  • Perform some simple experiments with the scissors buffer


  • Explore the Perspective projection in the context of the atom/electon animation
  • Develop a more detailed knowledge of the gluPerspective function
  • Rework the atom/electron animation into a simple sun/earth/moon rotation sequence
  • Understand how the entire world could be rotated/translated to simulate the flight of a camera through the model
  • Explore further the model classes devised in assignment 1 solution


  • Download and install Maya
  • Generate a simple model
  • Explore this model - and devise a set of classes to load and render it