- Be aware of the difference between Orthographic and Perspective projections
- Understand transformations in general and specifically the difference between modeling, viewing and projection transformations.
- Understand the role of eye coordinates in transformation systems and in particular how they relate to viewing transformations.
- Within Modeling transformations, be able to work with rotation, translation and scaling
- Have encountered Model/View duality, and be able to relate it to the transformation terminology discussed above.
- Have a deeper insight into the functioning of the Transformation Pipeline
- Have a clearer understanding of glTranslate, glRotate and glScale functions in this context
- Understand usage of the identity matrix
- Be able to appreciate the difference between the projection and modelview matrices.
- Explore simple animations using glRotate and glTranslate
- Understand the role of glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix in this context
- Explore simple extension to the Color and Vector3 classes
- Explore the Translate and Rotate functions
- Have an understanding of the sequencing of these functions, and how this effects the rendering
- Experiment with scaling
- Have used glutCube and glutSphere functions
- Use transformations to perform some simple animations
- Render a simple animation of a nucleus with a orbiting electron
- Extend this scene to include multiple electrons, orbiting at different rates
- Encapsulate suitable abstractions to enable animation code to be concise and expressive