- Have a general understanding of the origins and current uses of OpenGL
- Be able to distinguish between Generic and hardware implementation of OpenGL
- Have seen the fundamental stages of the graphics pipeline
- Be familiar with the conventions used in the OpenGL API
- Be able to use an initial set of Glut functions.
- Have seen the opengl colour and buffer model
- Review 2D Cartesian co-ordinate system and its relevance to graphics
- Review 2D Cartesian co-ordinate system and its relevance to graphics
- Understand clipping and clipping regions
- Be able to distinguish between clipping regions and viewports and how they may be mapped
- Relate all of this to the glViewPort function.
- Visualise the 3D Cartesian co-ordinate system.
- Install the Eclipse IDE on your workstation
- Create and run simple C application to test configuration
- Create a first OpenGL application
- Draw a square on a blank canvas
- Experiment with the Eclipse IDE
- Explore OpenGL documentation
- Configure Eclipse for successive Labs
- Register a glut callback function
- Define a window dimension independent co-ordinate system
- Introduce some debug output
- Investigate glut menus
- Understand the role of timers in glut
- Be able to set a simple timer based animation in motion
- Understand the difference between timer and idle based animation, and have composed an equivalent animation using both techniques