Wavefront, Models, Perspectives & Colour
- Have an indepth understanding of the Wavefront file format
- Be able to parse and render a wovefront file consisting of multiple entities
- Be able to integrate alternative perspectives into a single application, and be able to switch perspectives without restarting
- Have a general understanding of the principles surrounding the colour model in OpenGL
- Have seen the OpenGL colour Cube in action, and appreciate the shading model.
- Understand how glColour operates, and in particular the effect of glColour on polygon rendering with SMOOTH shading enabled
- Rework the model classes to be able to load and display multiple entities, consisting of both Triangles and Quads.
- To do this:
- Introduce a VertexGroup class to represent the 'default' group
- Rework Face to adapt to quad/triangle primitives
- Refactor ModelObject to a more flexible Mesh class
- Refactor Model to load and render multiple Mesh objects.
- Define an abstraction to represent the projection model
- Introduce 2 concrete projection classes:
- Orthographic
- Perspective
- Enhance the Orthographic projection to facilitate viewing the scene from different angles
- Devise a mechanism to enable switchable projection models - at runtime